When you have the kind of body that I have built for myself, there’s a certain aura that can surround you. Let me try to explain this…

The aura that I mention is one of total confidence! Having a killer physique and a pleasant face gives you the feeling of superiority and power. You just know that wherever you go and whatever you do, you are admired, envied and also….desired! Not blowing my own trumpet here but I know that people look at me and WANT me. It’s something that I’ve gotten used to. People can see my size and stature, they can often see bulging biceps, boulder shoulders and ripped abs through my shirt and as for my solid glutes and quads though my trousers….need I say more? It’s an Adonis frame and the strength and authority it gives me is incredible!

This video actually mixes this confidence with an air of arrogance and cockiness which so many people request from me! I think there’s a very fine line between all three and the mixture is amazing! At the end of the day, the lad involved here is more than happy to experience everything JOSHUA ARMSTRONG can give to him! Watch it and you’ll see how his submissive attitude just makes me hotter and hornier! It’s not to be missed!

2016-03-31T18:23:00+00:00 March 31st, 2016 6:23 pm|