He has my perfect body - MASSIVELY PUMPED PECTORALS, BULGING BICEPS, RAZOR-SHARP SHREDDED ABDOMINALS, DEEP HAIRY PITS, THICK GLUTES…surely that’s enough? NO IT ISN’T! There’s a light growth of MANLY BODY HAIR coming through, fresh and full of my MASCULINE ODOUR! Let’s add some OIL into the mix, covering my muscles so thickly and making me shine and feel even hotter than ever! Finally and just to put the final cherry on top of this [...]

2015-10-15T16:53:33+00:00 October 15th, 2015 4:53 pm|

Suited And Booted

I absolutely LOVE being suited and booted. I find there is no better feeling than the outline of my incredible muscular frame being portrayed by a suit, other peoples eyes KNOW what muscle lies underneath.. But then there judgement is clouded.. (Why am I wearing a suit)??? A muscle guy that's also an IT professional, nobody expects it and I f**king love it!!

2015-09-07T06:38:23+00:00 September 6th, 2015 7:02 am|


Watch me be that strong hunk, finishing off my gym workout with intense self admiration in a full length mirror I catch you playing with yourself peeping at me, watching me. Secretly I like it, I taunt you, stretch off, flexing, posing and seducing while my muscle cock reduces from the most intense orgasm from being watched

2015-06-18T05:57:11+00:00 June 18th, 2015 11:00 am|