Full LENGTH Featured Video..Changed already!!

Had to have a quick move about.. decided to throw a different one on already, Enjoy ;) Cant wait to get home from the office today and start filming!! Remember you can follow me on my social media :) https://twitter.com/JoshuaArm1989 http://instagram.com/joshuaarmstrong1989 Most importantly.. Thank you ALL Thank You, Thank You!! Your Josh!

2014-10-22T12:35:14+00:00 October 22nd, 2014 12:35 pm|

wishlist added

wishlist about 80% sorted just need to get it to display everything instead of a preview, change of plugin! Got some videoing to do tomorrow, and will have a random pick of which to upload when theyr done :) ! currently lying on a lie down sunbed writing this! life's better when your tanned ha josh xxx

2014-10-20T21:17:14+00:00 October 20th, 2014 9:17 pm|