Your requests for videos just keep rolling in and I could not be happier! I spent hours the other day reading and replying to so many of you and your ideas for fantasies and fetishes are both enjoyable to read about and amazing to plan videos for! You definitely know how to get your favourite Muscle God excited especially when your imagination goes wild and you start mixing up your fantasies into one horny request! [...]

2016-07-02T14:35:10+00:00 July 2nd, 2016 2:35 pm|

Hard Hat Hunk

I unbutton one by one showing off my alpha character and giant dinner plate pecs, all because its a little 'hot' in the room... Before you know it I'm naked dick hanging fixing the living room draw before I go Full Video 13:55 (Mins:Sec)

2015-08-01T20:03:51+00:00 August 1st, 2015 8:03 pm|


There is always an overwhelming fantasy for my pectoral muscles… But being as though this video is immediately after an INTENSE back workout.. I could only thing to display the monstrous slabs of muscle that hang of my back…

2015-06-09T06:46:03+00:00 June 8th, 2015 8:00 am|