As I told you in my last blog I’ve been enjoying going through all of your emails together with all your amazing video requests! Such sexy ideas for me and my body! I am chomping at the bit to get so many of them filmed and I am working out and training extra hard for you to ensure that my spectacular physique is even more magnificent on camera! Come and take a look…

This video in particular is what I call a “slow burner”. It starts off with me covered in some sexy gear but it’s not too long before I start to reveal what I am famous for…massive pecs, shredded abs and boulder shoulders! I think you will love exactly how these awesome body parts and more are exposed and how “EVERY RIP IS A TURN-ON”! I won’t say too much more because in this particular case…seeing really is believing!!

2017-02-15T10:40:32+00:00 July 14th, 2016 10:11 am|